It is Recommended That you download the Windows File to play Because IT LETS YOU PLAY TO YOUR OWN SONG! Make the Monsters dance to your own song!

Anyway this is MY VERY first Unity project and i know it is filled with bugs ,, but because of the MashupGames Jam , I  finally had the discipline to Complete My first Game.. its not much.. :) 

Be sure to give it a  try..

How to Play:

1) As the beat plays in the background, you are asked to press the pink Glowing keys

2) As the Beat Increases, You must Increase the pace to keep up as more keys  start to come up;

3) You can use your own music in the downloaded version from the menu;


Download 29 MB


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Can't read instructions because there is no fullscreen and replay button would be cool :)

The lack of a replay button is bad, but there is a fullscreen button. When you run the game, it's in the corner of the game screen.